how to write stories that inspire

How to Write Stories that Inspire 

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We, humans, love to hear and share stories. We’re exposed to stories all the time. It may be hard to believe, but stories indeed have the unique power to inspire humans and encourage them to take action and make a difference. So, how do you write stories that inspire? We’ll find that in a bit.

But before that, let’s talk about how stories that inspire can make a difference and make the world a better place.

How Stories that Inspire can Create Social Impact?

Stories – A Catalyst of Change

People have different experiences, and those same experiences become stories. When they share their stories, the same stories become a catalyst of change and help them spread awareness about their cause.

The significant changes you and your organisation wish to make can be brought to light through stories. Stories thus help in advancing our mission. If your story is compelling, it will capture the attention of people and your cause momentum.

Stories Act as a Guiding Light

We look up to the real stories of fellow humans and get inspiration from them. Stories that inspire illuminate the paths towards change and guide us in the right direction. They play a significant role in influencing the way we think and act. Additionally, they inspire others to break the pattern and work towards making a change.

How to Write Stories that Inspire?

Though there are some rules of storytelling for nonprofits, they are not the sure shot way to write stories that inspire. You may follow all the rules of storytelling, and still, people may not be inspired by your story. What works for a story may not work for another story. But this does not mean that you can’t follow some tips to write stories that inspire. These tips are:

  • Define what challenge your character is facing and how that character overcame the challenges.
  • Write the story from your heart and make it relatable for people. While using a bunch of numbers and statistics is good, it is actually personal experiences that make a story relatable to people.
  • Do not use jargon or difficult words that people may not understand. A long story with difficult terminologies will not help you convey your message. So, use simple language.
  • Be direct. There is no point in beating around the bush. Come straight to the point.
  • Plan your story ahead before you start to write your story. Plan what message you want to convey.
  • Use images and videos wherever possible.

Where to Share Stories that Inspire?

If you want to bring a change, you have to first believe in yourself and your story. Once you believe in your story, then only others can believe in it. If you can imagine a new picture of the world and make others see it too, that’s a positive change in itself. Have the confidence to share stories that inspire the world. Be brave and take the first step.

If you want to be a catalyst of change, join today to share your social purpose story and inspire others.

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